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HKU-Pasteur Research Pole

The HKU‐Pasteur Research Pole Fellowship Programme provides a unique opportunity for postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Hong Kong and Macau to pursue their research projects in an outstanding scientific environment, at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.

In current times of global pandemic, the research conducted by both the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole and the Institut Pasteur are crucial to advance global scientific knowledge, notably regarding emerging infectious diseases. Ensuring continuity in scientific training for the next generation of scientists is more important than ever. Louis Pasteur famously said that “Chance favours invention only for minds prepared for discoveries by patient study and persevering efforts." In line with this belief and with the Pasteurian values that science belongs to mankind and should be shared with altruism, HKU-Pasteur, with the support of the Pasteur Foundation Asia (PFA) and the Consulate General of France, has launched the HKU-Pasteur Fellowship Program for up to rwo scholarships.

The HKU-Pasteur Research Pole is delighted to announce that applications are welcomed for the fourth edition of the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole Fellowship for Summer-Autumn 2024!

The HKU‐Pasteur Research Pole Fellowship Programme provides a unique opportunity for postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Hong Kong and Macau to pursue their research projects in an outstanding scientific environment, at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.

The research conducted by both the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole and the Institut Pasteur are crucial to advance global scientific knowledge, notably regarding emerging infectious diseases. Ensuring continuity in scientific training for the next generation of scientists is more important than ever.

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In a continuing effort to expand the fellowship, and considering the quality of applications for the 2023 edition of the Fellowship, the Committee has decided to support 4 candidates with exceptional research projects:

  • Mr Xiang Li, a doctoral student of the University of Hong Kong (Department of Statistics and actuarial science) will conduct his internship in the Statistic Genetics Laboratory under the supervision of Dr Hugues Aschard.

  • Ms Weisi He, PhD student at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (School of Biomedical Sciences) will carry out her research internship under the supervision of Dr Marcel Hollenstein in the Bio-organic Chemistry of Nucleic Acids Laboratory.

  • Mr Ruopeng Xie, a doctoral student of the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, will complete his internship in the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub under the supervision of Dr Anna Zhukova.

  • Ms Weijia Xiong, a doctoral student at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (School of Public Health), will complete her internship in the Mathematical modelling of Infectious Diseases laboratory under the supervision of Dr Simon Cauchemez.

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In 2022, for the second edition of this programme, two laureates were selected for the quality of their research project:

  • Ms Wanying Sun, a doctoral student at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (School of Public Health) conducted her internship in the Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Analytics G5 Unit under the supervision of Dr Michael White. Read about her experience here

  • Mr Georgy Sapozhnikov, PhD student at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (School of Biomedical Sciences) completed his research internship under the supervision of Dr Romain Levayer in the Cell Death and Epithelial Homeostasis Group (CEDH). 

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In 2021, for the first edition of this programme, three laureates were selected for the quality of their research project:

  • Mr Ye Peng, a doctoral student at the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, completed his internship in the Institut Pasteur and CNRS Biological Image Analysis Laboratory under the supervision of Dr Elisabeth Labruyère. Read about his experience here.

  • Dr Simon Chi-Chin Shiu, post-doctoral student at the School of Biomedical Sciences of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, carried out his internship in the Laboratory of Bio-Organic Chemistry of Nucleic Acids of the Institut Pasteur and CNRS under the supervision of Dr Marcel Hollenstein. Read about his experience here. 

  • Mr Terence Tak Wang Lee, a PhD student at the School of Biomedical Sciences of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, conducted his internship under the supervision of Dr Thomas Wollert in the Membrane and Transport Biochemistry Laboratory of the Institut Pasteur and CNRS. Read about his experience here.

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2021 HKU-Pasteur Research Pole Fellowship Award Ceremony 



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Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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