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23rd ARC-WERC IBRO UNESCO School of “Neuroscience on “Pathogenic and neuroprotective mechanisms

in CNS infections prevalent in developing countries”” (Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, November 27-December 1, 2010)

A joint ARC-WERC IBRO UNESCO School of Neuroscience on “Pathogenic and neuroprotective mechanisms in CNS infections prevalent in developing countries” will be held in St Denis, Reunion Island (Saturday 27th November-1th December 2010). Students from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Indian Ocean region (Reunion, Mauritius, Mayotte, Madagascar, Comoros, and Seychelles) will have the unique opportunity to learn about pathogenesis and important gaps in knowledge of some of the most prevalent diseases of the nervous system, which are rarely addressed in neuroscience courses. The course will include new developments on emerging infectious diseases and stress that basic neuroscience must play a crucial role in research on the pathogenesis of these diseases that burden tropical and developing countries. The School will include lectures, literature seminars and laboratory work as well as training in complementary skills. Students and teachers at this school will also participate in the IANIS conference.

All students must register on the IBRO Website before July 16, 2010 and will be shortlisted to attend the school and the IANIS meeting (free of all charges).

The programme is available here.

For more information download the flyer.


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