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45th Board of Directors and International Scientific Symposium “Unmet Medical Needs and Technologica

The 45th Board of Directors has gathered the Directors from the Institut Pasteur International Network on September 24-26, 2012 at Institut Pasteur Korea. On this occasion, a full day has been dedicated to an international scientific symposium entitled “Unmet Medical Needs and Technological Innovations”. Four thematic sessions addressed current research in the areas of unmet medical needs, pathogen detection and emerging disease surveillance, vaccines and drugs development, and technological innovations.

During this symposium Mathurin TEJIOKEM (Pasteur Centre of Cameroon) and Polidy PEAN (Institut Pasteur in Cambodia) were awarded the 2011 and 2012 DEDONDER CLAYTON Prize, respectively. This award was established by the Institut Pasteur and the National Institute of Health (NIH) to support the quality of scientific work of talented young researchers from South in HIV/AIDS Research in developing countries.

For more information please visit

DEDONDER CLAYTON Prize awardees (from left to right, Mathurin TEJIOKEM and Polidy PEAN) with Alice DAUTRY

45th Board of the Directors of Institut Pasteur International Network



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