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4th HKU-Pasteur Immunology Course: Award Dinner

The course started on track with the first ever welcome tram party in the heart of the city. After two weeks of stimulating lectures and workshops, Mr Leo KUNG, Chairman of the HKU-Pasteur Research Centre Board of Directors invited the students to indulge themselves with Cantonese delicacies and a selection of rare and fine French wines during the Award Dinner at Conrad Hong Kong hotel.

Armelle, Allan and Roberto, the directors of the course, praised the students for their work, participation and achievements. Nihal BANDARA (the University of Hong Kong), Aravind PATIL (Int'l Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, India) and Mehfuz ZAMAN (University of Queensland, Australia) received special prizes and Natalia MUNOZ (Institute of Hygiene, School of Medicine - UDELAR, Uruguay) came first in this year course.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, we invite you to visit our photo gallery of smiling students, lecturers and directors.

From left to right, Dr Roberto BRUZZONE (HKU-Pasteur Research Centre), Mr Leo KUNG, Natalia MUNOZ (Institute of Hygiene, School of Medecine - UDELAR, Uruguay), Dr Armelle PHALIPON (Insitut Pasteur) and Dr Allan LAU (the University of Hong Kong)



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Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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