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5th Croucher-Pasteur Exchange Programme: there is still time to apply for Croucher fellowships

work at Institut Pasteur in Paris!

- Pasteur lectures Series, September 18, 2009, HKU-Pasteur Researtch Centre - The Croucher-Pasteur Lecture series held on September 18, 2009 hosted the seminars of three Pricnicpal Investigators from Institut Pasteur Dr Mathieu Picardeau (Department of Microbiology), Dr Spencer L. Shorte (Department of Cell Biology and Infection) and Dr Mustapha Si-Tahar (Department of Infection and Epidemiology). Students and post-doctoral fellows wishing to perform research work at Institut Pasteur are also encouraged to search the Pasteur website to identify additional host laboratories of interest. Prospective candidates are invited to contact Anne Li to prepare the Croucher application (please check the Croucher site for eligibility criteria).

Abstract of Dr M Picardeau’s presentation is available here. Abstract of Dr S L Shorte’s presentation is available here. Abstract of Dr M Si-Tahar’s presentation is available here

From left to right, Dr M Picardeau (Department of Microbiology), Dr S L Shorte (Department of Cell Biology and Infection), Dr M Si-Tahar (Department of Infection and Epidemiology) and Dr B Nal-Rogier (HKU-PRC).



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