The ATIP-AVENIR Programme, jointly launched by Inserm and the CNRS, aims to support young researchers in the field of life sciences and health to establish and manage their own team. The unit thus created will be rooted in a French research laboratory and the awardees will develop, independently, their scientific project.
Benefits The selected candidate will receive a threshold grant of 270,000 Euros for the first 3 years. This amount includes at least 60,000 Euros per year and the funds to hire a post-doc during 2 years. The program can be extended, after assessment, for 2 more years.
The non-tenured successful applicant will receive a monthly gross salary of 3,500 Euros.
Moreover, the host institution will allocate a dedicated research area (around 50 sqm) as well as give access to its local technological facilities.
N.B.: Applicants may submit their proposal without an identified host institution but should then in parallel contact Inserm and/or CNRS to help identifying a suitable scientific environment.
This program addresses only the projects related to life sciences and health.
There are no restrictions regarding your nationality and your past and current occupation. However, you must have obtained your PhD since no more than 10 years (i.e. after January 1, 2000).
Moreover, the applicants should not have been working within the intended host institution for more than 18 months or plan to work with one of their former mentor.
Key dates and contacts
Date Step December 9, 2010 Deadline for the online submission, the mailing of the hard copy of the scientific project, and the letters of recommendation Mid- March 2011 Publication of the short list of candidates to be interviewed End April 2011 Interviews of the selected applicants July 2011 Publication of the final list of laureates
For more information, you can contact:
Inserm CRNS
Christine Guillard
Christiane Durieux
Jean Houmard
or download this document.