The programme for the 2018 Immunology Course is ready:
10th HKU-Pasteur Immunology Course
Date: December 3-14, 2018
NEW deadline for applications: September 24, 2018
Fellowship: there will be up to 5 travel fellowships of 3,000HKD each for this course
This course will highlight the latest advances in large-scale, quantitative data collection and computational analysis as applied to biochemical aspects of immune cell activation and function, multicellular behavior in tissues and model organisms, and human immune function in health and disease.
Directors: Roberto BRUZZONE (Hong Kong) - James DI SANTO (France) - Liwei LU (Hong Kong) - Sophie VALKENBURG (Hong Kong)
Faculty: Catherine BEAUCHEMIN (Canada) - Roberto BRUZZONE (Hong Kong) - Tineke CANTAERT (Cambodia) - Chris COTSAPAS (USA) - James DI SANTO (France) - Darragh DUFFY (France) - Florent GINHOUX (Singapore) - Valentina LIBRI (France) - Liwei LU (Hong Kong) - Hugo MOUQUET (France) - Evan NEWELL (Singapore) - Mike STUBBINGTON (UK) - Stephen TSUI (Hong Kong) - Sophie VALKENBURG (Hong Kong)
Open to postgraduate students, MD, DVM, postdoctoral fellows and young scientists from Hong Kong and overseas Registration fees (HKD 1,500) include accommodation (on sharing twin basis for overseas participants) and food (lunch and coffee breaks) Please return all completed forms, including two letters of recommendation to The course (MMPH6174) is included in the coursework curriculum for research postgraduate studies of the University of Hong Kong.