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[Applications Closed] Croucher Summer Course Outbreak Investigation & Response to Pandemics

The HKU-Pasteur Research Pole is delighted to announce the return of its renowned Croucher Summer courses with a new edition on emerging viral infections: “Outbreak investigation and pandemic preparedness” from June 18 to 23 2023.

New deadline for applications: 24 March 2023


Over the years, HKU-Pasteur has built a strong partnership with the Croucher Foundation, which has provided considerable financial support to our course series and programs to promote scientific exchanges with the Institut Pasteur. We share the common goal to educate and inspire postgraduate students and early career researchers from Hong Kong and the wider region with a global vision of health problems and unmet patients’ needs.

With an emphasis on SARS-CoV-2, understanding of its biology and countermeasures developed to mitigate the pandemic, this new Croucher Summer Course will address the grand challenges of outbreak investigation and pandemic preparedness with an inclusive One-Health approach.

The Faculty will introduce participants to innovative concepts in epidemiology, molecular diagnostic, serology, host-pathogen interaction, pathogenesis, immunology, surveillance and nonpharmaceutical interventions.

- Open to postgraduate students, MD, DVM, postdoctoral fellows and young scientists from Hong Kong and overseas.

- Registration fee is HKD3,000 (refundable in case of course cancellation) and includes accommodation (on sharing twin basis) and lunch.

- Fellowships covering registration and travel expenses are available.

- For more information please contact

Download the application form:

Read a few tips for a good application:


Roberto Bruzzone Hong Kong SAR

Christian Drosten Germany

Chris Mok Hong Kong SAR

Malik Peiris Hong Kong SAR

Leo Poon Hong Kong SAR

Noёl Tordo Guinea


Simon Cauchemez France

Ben Cowling Hong Kong SAR

Vijay Dhanasekaran Hong Kong SAR

Darragh Duffy France

Jaime Duque Hong Kong SAR

David Hui Hong Kong SAR

Terry Jones Germany

Nolwenn Jouvenet France

Mart Lamers The Netherlands

Kathy Leung Hong Kong SAR

Tomas Lyu USA

Jean Millet France

Tenigeer Hong Kong SAR

Hein Min Tun Hong Kong SAR

Sophie Valkenburg Australia

Marco Vignuzzi Singapore

Hui-Ling Yen Hong Kong SAR




Tel:              (852) 2831 5494

Fax:             (852) 2872 5782


Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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