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Call for Applications - Doctoral Grants, Calmette Programme 2012

The Institut Pasteur International Division calls for application to doctoral grants, Calmette Programme in 2012.

The Institut Pasteur International Division will finance two doctoral fellowships for a duration of three years to allow students to perform their doctoral training in an institute of the Institut Pasteur International Network (RIIP) except metropolitan France. This fellowship aims at promoting and facilitating the completion of doctorate trainings of French and foreign researchers in a laboratory of the RIIP. This may apply to standard or jointly-supervised theses. These doctoral grants are intended to promote mobility. The doctoral training must be performed outside its home country or outside the country in which the university studies were conducted.

The applicant must have a Master 2 or equivalent degree. A Selection committee will decide on the allocation of this doctoral fellowship according to the relevance of the project, the goals of the training and on the record of the candidates. The first step of the application is to find a host lab in the RIIP (

Application deadline: September 7, 2012.

You will find all information about this call, as well as the application form, on the website:

Contact : Eliane COEFFIER,



Tel:              (852) 2831 5494

Fax:             (852) 2872 5782


Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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