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Congratulations to Mingyuan Li and Ooiean Teng on completing their PhD!

Mingyuan Li and Ooiean Teng, former PhD students from the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, have been awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health, on November 21, 2015.

Mingyuan Li's thesis is entitled "Molecular Dissection of Dengue Virus Egress: Involvement of Host Cellular Factors-KDEL receptors". Her studies have uncovered a new function for KDEL receptors in the intracellular trafficking of the de dengue virus and identified a rate-limiting molecular step in the late stages of the dengue virus life cycle. Her work had been supervised by Prof. Roberto Bruzzone (principal supervisor) and Dr. Michael Chi Wai Chan (co-supervisor).

Mingyuan Li during the 194th Congragation and Prize Presentation Ceremony in Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, HKU

Ooiean Teng's work is entitled "Identification of CLEC5A in Modulating Host Immune Response after Influenza A Virus Infection". Her thesis work has shown that CLEC5A (C-Type Lectin Domain Family 5 Member A, transmembrane receptor) is a host factor for influenza pathogenesis by modulating host innate inflammatory response. She had been supervised by Dr. Hui-Ling Yen (principal supervisor) and Prof. Roberto Bruzzone (co-supervisor).

Ooiean Teng (left) and Mingyuan Li (right) with Prof. Roberto Bruzzone (middle) after the ceremony

Congrats Dr Mingyuan and Dr Ooiean!



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