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Hein Min Tun Keynote Speaker at the Alternative to Antibiotics Conference in Bangkok

Hein Min Tun, principal investigator at HKU-Pasteur, gave a keynote talk during the 3rd International Symposium on Alternative to Antibiotics (ATA) conference in Bangkok, Thailand, in late December 2019 entitled: Microbiome in gut health: a modern tool an a target in the effort to address antimicrobial resistance.

Presentation of the Alternative to Antibiotics conference:

As we move into the 21st Century and the demands for animal food products increase to meet the nutritional needs of a growing world population, alternative strategies to prevent and control animal diseases is a global issue and a critical component of efforts to promote global food security, and global health security. In view of the emerging global concerns with antibiotic resistance, there is a pressing need to have a scientific forum to discuss alternatives to antibiotics in food-animal production. This resource center is not intended to be a forum to eliminate the use of antibiotics in food animal production as there is a specific need for antibiotics to treat diseases that impact the health and welfare of animals. Rather, new strategies for preventing and treating diseases that do not result in the creation of selection pressure favoring the development of antimicrobial resistance is the focus of this resource center.



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