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HKU-Pasteur Research Pole Dangerous Liaisons Workshop

Thanks to our local and international experts as well as the audience, this workshop was a great success!

We would like to thank all participants as well as the public present and online for these two days of engaging discussions on the up-to-date topic of emerging viruses at the human, animal and environmental interface.

On the first day, speakers have outlined the state of research on the origin & spread of coronaviruses. The workshop was kick started by Professor Marion Koopmans (Erasmus University MC) keynote lecture on the insights that can be brought by genomic epidemiology to research on SARS-CoV-2. This was followed by a panel discussion with local and regional speakers. Dr Shi Zhengli (Wuhan Institute of Virology) has outlined the state of research on SARS, MERS and Covid-19 in order to evaluate the preparedness of researchers in the field, echoed by Professor Malik Peiris, the Honorary Director of the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, talk. Dr Veasna Duong (Institut Pasteur du Cambodge) focused on the risk of emerging infectious diseases in Southeast Asia taking specifically the cases of SARSCoV-2 and Nipah virus. Dr Huiling Yen (HKU School of Public Health) and Dr Nancy Leung (HKU School of Public Health) focused on the control and transmission mechanisms of human respiratory viruses.

Watch Day 1 live session

These discussions have been pursued on Day 2 with a focus on the need and the tools to enhance virus surveillance. Firstly, Dr Véronique Chevalier (Institut Pasteur du Cambodge & CIRAD) and Dr Anna-Bella Failloux (Institut Pasteur) detailed the surveillance processes implemented by the Institut Pasteur and its network. An anthropological perspective was added to the reflection with talks from Dr Frédéric Keck (French National Research Center, CNRS) and Dr Christos Lynteris (University of St Andrews).

Watch Day 2 live session

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