On the occasion of the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole 20th Anniversary, and in light of the Pole’s longstanding partnership with the French International School, the French International School and the Pole have team up in the past few weeks to co-organize a series of events. For about a month, the French International School’s students had the opportunity to discover the world of biomedical science and why doing science matters more than ever in the current pandemic context.
Join us online on April 30 at 18h30 for a live round table with Prof. Ben Cowling and Dr. Sophie Valkenburg!
This live roundtable, organized and filmed by French International School students, will explore the topic of the importance of scientific research in the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on our daily lives.
* Join us online on Firday 30 April from 18h30 to 20h*
Researchers interviews by the French International School students
In March, 9 students from the School visitied the pole and interviewed 4 researchers from the Pole and the school of public health: Prof. Leo Poon, Prof. Ben Cowling, Dr Vijaykrishna Dhanasekaran, and Dr Sophie Valkenburg.
20 videos have been produced from these interviews and will be displayed on our social media in May, stay tuned!
The accuracy of science in the news and in movies
In mid-April, Dr Vijaykrishna Dhanasekaran had two discussions with two groups of 15 students at the School about the accuracy of Covid-19 and other scientific facts in the news and in movies.
A huge thanks to the French International School "Pasteur/LFIS Task Force" for organizing these amazing events, to the researchers for their involvement and to the students for their interest and creativity!
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