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HKU-PRP Fellowship: Bonjour from Paris!

Our first of five laureates of the 2023 edition of the HKU-Pasteur Fellowship has now begun his research internship at Institut Pasteur!

Ruopeng, PhD student from the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong, is currently working under the supervision of Dr Anna Zhukova, at the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub at Institut Pasteur in Paris, France.

His 3-month research internship will make him extend his knowledge and network by learning from top-notch experts and like-minded young talents, and of course get to know French culture and cuisine!

Funded by the Pasteur Foundation Asia and the Consulate general of France in Hong Kong and Macau, the HKU-Pasteur Fellowship enables young researchers from any Hong Kong or Macau university to conduct 3 to 4-month research internships at Institut Pasteur.



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                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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