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Institut Pasteur International Network course:

“Cell Biology and infection: Digital Image Processing/Analysis Tools for Quantitative Light Microscopy Imaging”, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens, Greece

The Hellenic Pasteur Institute (Athens, Greece) organizes a 5-day practical course, from 4 to 8 July 2016, with objective to provide theoretical and practical training in basic and advanced concepts and methods of Bioimage informatics.

Deadline for application: April 30, 2016

The course Program will include: 1. Lectures focused on concepts and methodology for Processing/Analysis of Light Microscopy Digital data (images and videos) and selected topics of Cell Biology and Biology of Pathogen Host interaction. 2. Computer practical sessions on the quantitative analysis of microscopy image datasets using the open source software Icy and ImageJ/Fiji 3. Informal discussions and tutorials with experts in the field

The course is addressed to PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and research assistants, involved in research projects requiring fluorescence microscopy imaging and digital image processing/analysis. Eligible to submit applications are young scientists from any academic institution, but priority will be given to applicants from institutes members of the “Institut Pasteur International Network".

For more information, contact and application, please click on the poster below:



Tel:              (852) 2831 5494

Fax:             (852) 2872 5782


Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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