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International Call For Candidates to Head 4-Year Group within Institut Pasteur International Network

The Institut Pasteur announces an international call for candidates wishing to create independent young researcher groups within institutes of the Institut Pasteur International Network.

International research project In this world famous global network, young group leaders will develop new research programs on infectious, neglected and tropical diseases. Only outstanding candidates proposing new concepts in microbiology, virology, immunology, genetics, epidemiology or entomology need apply. An innovative project should be proposed to one or several institutes of the network in Africa (IP Bangui, IP Madagascar, Centre Pasteur in Cameroon) and South East Asia (IP Cambodia). Transversal projects including epidemiology, virology, entomology, and partnerships with national and international universities would be highly appreciated. Applications must be fully supported by the designated host institution.

Funding conditions Successful candidates will be appointed as head of a group for 4 years. The start-up package (up to 320,000€ over 4 years) includes the salary for the group leader, a technician, basic laboratory equipment and a contribution to running costs. Candidates will also have access to institute facilities. The appointee will be expected to obtain additional fundings necessary to ensure the success of the group.

Candidates condition and application Candidates must hold a PhD degree and have at least 3 years of postdoctoral experience. They should send their formal applications before December 1st 2012 by E-mail to the Head of the International Division, Dr Jérôme SALOMON, and to the General Secretary to the International Network of Institut Pasteur, Dr Marc JOUAN at the Institut Pasteur: (

The application should comprise the following (in order) in a single pdf file:

  1. A brief motivation letter

  2. A Curriculum Vitae and a full publication list

  3. A description of past and present research activities (up to 5 pages with 1.5 spacing)

  4. The proposed research project (up to 10 pages with 1.5 spacing) including a title and a summary

  5. The names of 3 scientists from whom letters of recommendation can be sought, together with the names of scientists with a potential conflict of interest from whom evaluations should not be requested.

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