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It's a wrap for the 11th Immunology Course!

The 11th Immunology Course

Quantitative Immunology: from population to individual immunology

has come to and end!

With participants from differents parts of the world, the course, jointly organized with the Centre for Immunology and Infection, explored the ongoing transition from reductionist studies that were based on the application of genetic approaches in animal models to a more integrated view of the physiology and pathology of the human immune system and its implication on health and disease at an individual and population level. 

The practicals reviewed some bases of the R programming language and guided them to use it in an advanced way on multiple omics datasets in relation to immune response profiling from the Milieu Interieur human cohort.

The HKU-Pasteur Research Pole and the Centre for Immunology & Infection presented a trailblazing symposium on Quantitative Immunology, co-organised with HKSTP and supported by the Pasteur Foundation Asia, the Pasteur Network and the Consulate of France in Hong Kong and Macau.

The course included a series of special seminars featuring Professor Javier Pizzaro Cerda (Head of the Yersinia Unit, Institut Pasteur), Dr. Wuji Zhang (Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Melbourne), and Lluis Quintana-Murci (Institut Pasteur).

Congratulations to our participants!

Video recap accessible here!




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