A tribute to Alexandre YERSIN and other lifesaving Science Heroes (Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, May 8 - June 29 2014)
120 year ago in Hong Kong, Alexandre YERSIN discovered the plague bacillus. To celebrate this anniversary HKU-Pasteur Research Pole co-organizes with Le French May 2014, the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, the Institut Pasteur and Pasteur Museum, PLAGUES an exhibition on plague and new emerging infectious diseases and a tribute to Alexandre YERSIN and other lifesaving Science heroes.
Date: May 8 - June 29 2014
Venue: Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, No. 2 Caine Lane, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Sunday and Public Holidays: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Closed on Monday
Admission fees: HK$20.00 - Adults HK$10.00 - Children/Full-time students/Senior Citizens/Disabled Persons HK$50.00 - Family Package (2 adults and maximum of 3 children)
About the exhibition: “PLAGUES” is an exhibition that unravels the history of the plague: the devastating effects of pandemics, the battle to identify their sources, and the prospects of new outbreaks and challenges from new emerging infectious diseases. This exhibition invites you to explore the inspiring life of Alexandre Yersin, a man of scientific excellence, humanism and adventure. And to discover other Science Heroes and learn more about the scientific and medical collaborations between France and Hong Kong, and its implications for world health.
Plague. The very word carries an unholy resonance, from the infamous disease characterised by fever, buboes and delirium to any contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people. It has shaped history with a mysterious and apocalyptic power!
Hong Kong, 120 years ago: Yersinia pestis, the bacillus responsible for centuries of death yielded its identity to humanity’s advancing technologies and to a French-Swiss maverick doctor, Alexandre Yersin. Working from a makeshift straw hut laboratory in Kennedy Town, in just a few days Yersin identified the plague bacillus that was responsible for the outbreak of bubonic plague that was to spread across the world.
Hong Kong, nowadays: A scientific medical collaboration between France and Hong Kong perpetuates through the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole founded by the Institut Pasteur and the University of Hong Kong. This relationship builds on synergies between its partners with the goal of establishing the capability to detect, contain and treat new plagues promptly in both the developed and developing worlds.
More information in Le French May 2014 website.