Prof Daniel Kolakofsky from the Department of Microbiology, University of Geneva Medical School, Switzerland is spending two months as Visiting Professor at HKU-PRC.
Prof Kolakofsky was educated at McGill University, Quebec, Canada and subsequently at the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA. His research work aims at elucidating the molecular mechanisms of paramyxovirus replication (negative-sense RNA virus, Sendai virus model), as well as activation of cell's innate defense (viral RNA-sensing mechanish of RIG-I) and appears in over 100 publications cited in PubMed. He was editor or member of the editorial board of several scientific journals including RNA, Virology, Journal of Virology, Journal of General Virology.
If you wish to meet Prof Daniel Kolakofsky, please contact HKU-PRC (email:; tel.: (852) 2816 8403)