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Scienfific Meeting

- 1st meeting of the Pasteur Asia Network on Emerging Respiratory Diseases: From Surveillance to Diagnostic, May 9-11, 2007, Lecture Room 2, Cheung Kung Hai Conference Centre, HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, 21 Sassoon Road -

The first scientific workshop of the Respari program took place in HK on May 9-11, 2007.

RESPARI (Research-driven rESPonse to Acute Respiratory Infections) is an initiative of the International Network of Pasteur Institutes that was established by the Directors of the Pasteur Institutes from the Asia-Pacific region. The main goal of this multicenter program is to tackle several aspects of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) through the implementation of four work-packages:

1. Molecular epidemiology and clinical microbiology;

2. Development of diagnostic tools and surveillance in adults and children;

3. Pathophysiology and therapy development (small chemicals and vaccine);

4. Teaching and training.

Approximately 40 scientists gathered from the participating IP centers of the Pacific-Asia region. The programme included presentations on the different workpackages (available soon on, as well as lectures from a panel of internationally invited speakers.

This meeting allowed the Scientific Advisory Board to meet for the first time and evaluate the activities of the RESPARI Network. The SAB praised the quality of the presentations and of the external partners, who are world class in their area of expertise.

The next RESPARI scientific meeting has been tentatively scheduled in November 2007 and will be organized by Institut Pasteur-Shanghai.



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Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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