The 44th Board of Directors will gather all the Directors of the institutes from the Institut Pasteur International Network on November 8-10, 2011 at Institut Pasteur, Paris.
On this occasion, a full day will be dedicated to the first Scientific International Meeting of the Young Researchers from the Institut Pasteur International Network “Challenges in Global Health: Opportunities for Institut Pasteur International Network”. This meeting will be held at the Centre d'Information Scientifique (CIS) in Institut Pasteur campus, on November 10, 2011 from 8:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Six members of HKU-Pasteur Research Centre will present their work. Mr Jason Huailiang MA will give an oral presentation, and Mr Jimmy LAI and Dr Martial JAUME will give a commented poster presentation. Ms Isabelle DUTRY, Drs Dong-Jiang TANG and Jean-Michel GARCIA will present posters.