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[Seminar] Innate Lymphoid Cell Differentiation - From a T Cell Perspective by James Di Santo

James Di Santo, from Inserm and Institut Pasteur, France, will be in Hong Kong on the 25th of October for a seminar:

Innate Lymphoid Cell Differentiation - From a T Cell Perspective

Date: Friday, 25th of October, 2019 Time: 11:00 am Venue: HRI-S1B, Ground Floor HKJC Building for Interdisciplinary Research 5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong


Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and natural killer (NK) cells have garnered considerable interest due to their functional properties in immune defense and tissue homeostasis. Our current understanding of how these develop has been greatly facilitated by knowledge of T cell biology. Established models of T cell differentiation have provided the conceptual basis for a classification of ILCs and NK cells as innate homologues of adaptive T helper cells and cytotoxic T cells, respec- tively. Furthermore, NK cell and ILC activation finds parallels with known regulatory mechanisms within the T cell system. Here, I will examine the process of NK cell and ILC biology from a ‘T cell perspective’ in an attempt to extend the analogy between adaptive T cells and their innate ILC and NK cell counterparts.


James Di Santo received a combined MD/PhD from Cornell Medical College and the Sloan Kette- ring Institute in NYC, pursued postdoctoral training with Pr Alain Fisher (Necker Hospital, Paris) and Pr Klaus Rajewsky (Institute for Genetics, Cologne) and have more than 30 years of experience in fundamental and translational immunology. The main interests of his laboratory at the Institut Pasteur (Paris) are in the areas of lymphocyte biology, cytokines, transcription factors and signaling pathways in the development and function of both adaptive (T and B cell) and innate lymphoid cells (ILC, NK cells) in mice and man. In parallel, over the last 20 years, his team has developed a series of humanized mouse models for the immune system that allows us to probe fundamental questions in human immunology especially in relation to infectious diseases. While largely fundamental in nature, his projects have a transla- tional aim to impact in the clinics.




Tel:              (852) 2831 5494

Fax:             (852) 2872 5782


Address:      7/F, Room 705, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building

                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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