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STRonGer kick-off-meeting (13-14 December 2011, Institut Pasteur in French Guiana)

The STRonGer programme for "Strengthening transdisciplinary research on Infection us and Emerging Diseases in French Guiana: linking fieldwork, benchside and bedside" is a scientific programme whose objective is to significantly reinforce, in the short term, the existing medical research capacities in French Guiana - both in terms of human resources and infrastructure - to better meet the infectious health risks for the Guianese population.

STRonGer is the first Research Potential project of the 7th Framework Programme for research and development (FP7-REGPOT-2011-1) obtained by a Guianese Coordinator. Of the 291 submitted projects in 2010, STRonGer has been ranked 9. STRonGer is coordinated by the Institut Pasteur de la Guyane for a period of 42 months. The financial contribution of the European Commission to the program is 3.7 million of euros.

The kick-off-meeting was held on 13 and 14 December 2011 at the Institut Pasteur in French Guiana bringing together all partners in Europe and French Guyana.

For more informations and read the press release: See also Institut Pasteur International Network website.

STRonGer: Strengthening transdisciplinary research on Infectious and Emerging Diseases in French Guiana: linking fieldwork, benchside and bedside.



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