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Visit of Prof SYROTA - CEO of the French National Insitute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

An INSERM delegation headed by Prof André SYROTA (CEO, INSERM; Chairman & President, French National Alliance for Life and Health Sciences (AVISEAN); Vice-President, European Heads of Research Councils), Prof Jean-Marc EGLY (Professor Syrota’s Scientific Adviser, INSERM), and Mr Philippe ARHETS (Head of International Office, INSERM), who was accompanied by Mr Julien CHIARONI (Attaché for Scientific and Academic Affairs) and Ms Vithiya VAIRON (Scientific Officer) from the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macao visited the Centre on May 16, 2011.

The INSERM delegation is visiting centers of excellence in biomedical research in Asia where scientists based in France could work and develop collaborative, long-term projects. After a presentation of the activities of the Centre by Dr Roberto BRUZZONE and Prof Malik PEIRIS, and a brief visit of the laboratories, the delegation met and discuss with Prof LC TSUI (Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong), Professor PKH TAM (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, HKU), Prof Sun KWOK (Dean of the Faculty of Science, HKU), Prof SP LEE (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, HKU), and Prof LP SAMARANAYAKE (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, HKU).



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                      For Interdisciplinary Research
                      5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR

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