Yihan, young MPhil graduate in virology from Chris Mok's team, looks back on her experience at HKU-Pasteur.
Within her MPhil study aimed at understanding vaccine protection in the elderly, Yihan recruited volunteers aged above 60 to participate in her observational study. The levels of cytokines, metabolites, and influenza-specific antibodies in the blood, as well as the composition of the microbiota in stool, were measured from the participants. “We tried to establish a multi-omics analysis platform to determine the host factors that are associated with the antibody waning in the elderly after receiving the influenza vaccine”.
Yihan sees her time at the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole as a journey of learning and growth: “Every moment at HKU-Pasteur was very valuable to me, not only gaining further understanding of research but also gaining a lot of friends. The graduate study not only requires strong motivation and focus but also needs companionship and encouragement. HKU-Pasteur is like a big family that has accompanied me through the ups and downs of the past two years.”