Public Health
International Workshops
Since 2012, the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole has partnered with the Institut Pasteur in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to organize a series of international workshops on topical Public Health issues, such as Measles and Rubella Elimination (2019), Health Economics (2017), and Modelling of Infectious Diseases (2017).
The Public Health Workshop series has attracted an increasing number of applications and has rapidly become recognised as a world-class training program for epidemiologists, researchers, public health officials, medical and health professionals, and policy makers in the region, to strengthen their capacity to react to acute infectious threats. These courses have been made possible by the constant support of the Institut Français, which is dedicated to the promotion of French culture worldwide.
The latest workshop was held in 2019, discussing the current situation of the Measles and Rubella eradication program, the efforts of the health sector towards the elimination of measles and rubella and the implementation of the proposed Operational Targets set by WHO for 2020.
The workshop was specifically designed for health personnel, mainly but not exclusively from countries in South East Asia, including medical and health professionals, policy makers, disease researchers interested in expanding their critical understanding of the complex issues to combat measles and rubella in the context of the global WHO strategy towards its elimination as a public health threat.
In 2019 HKU-Pasteur organised a Pasteur Outbreak Investigation Task Force (OITF) Course in the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, focused on the Asia-Pacific Region.
The Pasteur OITF, created in 2015, includes all staff in the IPIN who are interested and committed to participating in outbreak responses, through the World Health Organization’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) or in support of requests for assistance from other Institutes in the Institut Pasteur International Network (IPIN). In order to prepare OITF volunteers to participate in interdisciplinary, international outbreak response teams through the Pasteur OITF, we are offering a series of regionally-based training courses starting in 2019.
Intensive one week introduction to methods of multidisciplinary outbreak investigation and response for outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. This course included a combination of lectures, case studies, and practical sessions led by experts from Institut Pasteur, the Institut Pasteur International Network and external partners.