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10th HKU-Pasteur Immunology Course Anniversary Symposium

To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the HKU-Pasteur Immunology Course, we are delighted to welcome back our alumni for a world class symposium!

Date: December 14, 2018

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Venue: Room HRI-S3 and HRI-PFA,

HKJC Building for Interdisciplinary Research,

5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, HK

Keynote Lectures:

Jean-Marc CAVAILLON (France)

Kanta Subbarao (Australia)

Chairs and Speakers: Sadia AFRIN (USA) – Francisa ALMEIDA (Australia) – Ling Ling CHUA (Malaysia) – Claudio COUNOUPAS (Australia) – Peihui DING (China) – Regina HE (Hong Kong) – Nancy LEUNG (Hong Kong) – Sherene LIM (Malaysia) – Mariko MATSUI (New Caledonia) – Isabelle MEUNIER (Canada) – Diana MU-BAIWA (Australia) – Natalia MUNOZ (Ireland) – Raymond NING (Hong Kong) – Aravind PATIL (Canada) – Mahen PERERA (Hong Kong) – Chek Meng POH (Hong Kong) – Gavin POON (Hong Kong) – Jaya SENIRAVATNE (Singapore) – Fernando SOUZA-FONSECA-GUIMARES (Australia) – Edwin TAM (Hong Kong) – Hyon-Xhi TAN (Australia) – Ooiean TENG (Singapore) – Andy TSUN (China) – Vincent VAGENENDE (Singapore)- Rachel YIU (Hong Kong)

Welcome all postgraduate students, MD, DVM, postdoctoral fellows and young scientists from Hong Kong and overseas.

For enquiry, please email us at


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