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[Call for Application] Introduction to Outbreak Investigation & Response, in Phnom Penh


We are pleased to announce the Spring 2019 Pasteur Outbreak Investigation Task Force (OITF) Course, co-organized by HKU-Pasteur:

Introduction to Outbreak Investigation and Response

This course will occur at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from March 25-29, 2019.

The Pasteur OITF, created in 2015, has expanded its membership to include all staff in the IPIN who are interested and committed to participating in outbreak responses, through the World Health Organization’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) or in support of requests for assistance from other Institutes in the Institut Pasteur International Network (IPIN). In order to prepare OITF volunteers to participate in interdisciplinary, international outbreak response teams through the Pasteur OITF, we are offering a series of regionally-based training courses starting in 2019. The Spring 2019 OITF Course will focus on the Asia-Pacific Region.

Application deadline: 3 February 2019

Notification of selection: by 8 February 2019

Please complete both pages of the application and send the completed form and your CV to: AND

Course Organizers: Eileen Farnon, Philippe Cavailler, and Roberto Bruzzone

Methods: The course will be conducted in English and include interactive case studies, lectures, and computer-based sessions:

· Lectures - Lectures on basic applied epidemiology, emerging infectious diseases, and interdisciplinary approaches to outbreak investigation will be delivered by experts from the IPIN and partner public health institutions.

· Case studies– These interactive sessions will be conducted in small groups (5-10 people per group). The sessions will be coordinated by a senior epidemiologist (primary facilitator) and assisted by 3 facilitators (regional experts). The case studies are based on actual field investigations and many have been used in other applied epidemiology training courses (e.g. EPIET, EIS).

· Practical Computer-based Sessions– These sessions will provide participants with an introduction to EpiData. After completing the course, participants should be able to use EpiData to create a data entry form based on an existing questionnaire, build a dataset and conduct basic statistical analyses using EpiData Analysis. They should be able to use the OpenEpi rapid calculators.


· This course is targeted at junior to mid-career scientists working at Pasteur Institutes in the Asia-Pacific region, Institut Pasteur (Paris), and INCEPTION partner institutions who are interested in joining the Pasteur OITF and being considered for deployments through OITF in the future.

· Staff from other Institutes in the IPIN and collaborating public health institutions and organizations based in the region will also be accepted on a space-available basis.

· Up to 20 students will be selected to participate in the course

· At least 1-2 spaces are allotted per Pasteur Institute in the Asia-Pacific Region. Participants from Institut Pasteur, INCEPTION partner institutions, and other institutes will be considered on a space-available basis.

· All types of scientists are welcome to apply, including laboratory scientists, epidemiologists, entomologists, social scientists, clinicians, and others.

· Participants should have a clear understanding of spoken and written English

  • An understanding of the basics of Epidemiology may be beneficial. No priorknowledgeof EpiData isrequired.


· No registration fee

· OITF will cover flights and lodging including breakfast

· Other meals and incidental expenses (e.g. ground transportation) will not be covered and should be provided by participants’ home institutions

Participants must bring a laptop

Additional information: Pasteur OITF / GOARN


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