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Registrations for the Institut Pasteur International Course on Antibiotics and Resistance (ICARe)

2019 are open

The Institut Pasteur International Course on Antibiotics and Resistance (ICARe) will be held from October 19th to 27th in the wonderful city of Annecy, France.

The emergence and spread of bacteria resistant to many drug classes seriously threaten all branches of modern medicine. There is currently no course providing advanced instruction on antibiotics and resistance. The specific goal of ICARe is to bring leaders in academics and industry together with trained scientists at the dawn of their careers. Cutting-edge approaches for the study of resistance and antibiotic discovery will be examined.

Deadline for application: May 17, 2019

Objective: The faculty, composed of 40 internationally recognized scientists and physicians who have made important contributions to antibiotic development, infectious diseases, and resistance management, will be in residence for a minimum of 2 days for informal interactions. Graduates will emerge with a state- of-the-art understanding of existing antibiotics (modes of action, mechanisms of resistance), approaches for mining chemical space, advancing hits to leads, the application of nucleic acid- based technologies and bioinformatics for antibiotic discovery and resistance detection.The course aims to build an international cadre of collaborative, well networked, and highly trained specialists. Director: Patrice Courvalin Scientific advisors: Michael Gilmore and Gerry Wright Scientific committee: C. Arias (Univ. of Texas, USA), G. Challis (Univ. of Warwick, UK), T. Dougherty (Harvard Medical School, USA), S. Lahiri (Macrolide Pharmaceuticals, USA), S. Lory (Harvard Medical School, USA), A. Myers (Harvard Univ., USA), S. Projan (MedImmune, USA), H.-G. Sahl (Univ. of Bonn, Germany), M.-W. Tan (Genentech, USA). Audience: ICARe is designed for assistant professors, new industry scientists, MDs, and postdoctoral research associates, as well as members from developing areas contending with the practical challenge of managing the antibiotic resistance problem with limited resources. Attendees: 40 students Contact:


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